Monday, 29 June 2015

You know I love you, Donna..

This was from Season 4 epi 15.

And in the new season, we see more of Harvey's vulnerable side.

OMG. I love them both but it sucks to see them part.
(which i kinda believe it is temporary. Sucks to be litt. *laughs*)

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


Elderly (perhaps age 50 and above) / families who sail from the less developed countries or women who grew up in male dominant upbringing will think that it is not necessary for a woman to extend their education journey pass primary 6.

To them, having to go up to secondary school is JIN HO LIAO.
After that, they should start looking for life partners. And upgrade their skills at household chores instead.

Because after the woman marry, they should stay home and be a housekeeper, a mother, a wife and a superwoman.
Leave the duty of bringing the bread home to the male counter parts instead.

So we have this part time aunty who comes over to clean our office twice a week.
She is from a rather backward country where her family is mostly male dominating.
She married a local and had 4 wonderful children. Her youngest daughter scored herself a spot in the local university with a scholarship! *applause!*

So said aunty was sharing with me how she never had proper education and her daughter actually get to go uni.
Then it started to go downhill. She added saying it is not needed for girls to study so hard. Eventually, a woman will marry and be a mother, like herself.
She also mentioned her relatives (all from the same village) thinks that she shouldn't allow her daughter to carry on with uni.


It's a scholarship. Means daughter gets to study for FREE.
Even if there isn't a scholarship in place, getting a spot in university isn't all that easy. I mean not that difficult either. But when opportunity arise, grab it! Sheesh!

But noooooooooooooooo. Said relatives were putting aunty down with their awful words.

"waste money study so much" - SCHOLARSHIP PEOPLE. NOT MONEY FROM OWN POCKET.
"when i was her age, I'm already a homemaker" - That's because you suck. Literally and figuratively.
"study so much end up also stay home and be a mother." - and then teach the following generations the same ol' so that their society will always be in-situ.

How does it benefit them, i wonder. To keep putting others down.
ya jealous, ma fren?

It is an education FFS.

And now dual income is almost necessary in most family.
OTHERWISE why does aunty have to come back into the work force after being a SAHM for 30years?


I don't know why I'm so worked up for what lor.
Not directly affecting me also.

Perhaps, I just cannot tolerate the sexist thing at this day and age.



There's this concert i would really love to go.
The sammi cheng one happening 1st august.

But ya know.. sometimes thy good friend, lazy, takes over thy body heart and soul. And when you got your arse ready to book them tickets, all the good seats are taken.

So who should i push the blame to?

Maybe the cockroach that was seen scurrying around the toilet that stop time around me because I had to spray baygone on it and then wash up affected area and inspect body to make sure thy enemy is indeed, dead.
phew. wasn't that more than a mouthful.

sorry not sorry.

But I'm mostly off my throne immediately when I see dirty dishes in the sink, clothes that screams "WASH ME PLEASE!", bed undone, hotwater flask lesser than half filled etcetera etcetera.

OMG have I morph into bao zhu po?!

Liddis. OMFG.

*checks self in mirror*

Permed hair - uncheck.
$5.90 PJs from chinatown - uncheck.
Disgrunted resting bitch face - MAYBE OCCASIONALLY.
Fag mouth - uncheck.
Big piece fully cup bra - uncheck.

I'm safe. For now.

this is getting depressing.
What a waste of bandwidth for this entry. *chuckles*


Thursday, 18 June 2015

Random Rambling Thursday.

Work days should only be 4 days.
Mondays to Thursdays.
Since our working hours are almost the longest in asia?Or isit the world?
8am- 6pm.

That is freaking 10hours. Ok fine. Let's take away 1 hour lunch. Still makes it 9hours.

There are other companies that start work from 9am and ends at 6pm. That's 1hour short. And they are sometimes entitled to 2hours lunch? NBCB.

Anyways. On a happier note.
The OFFICIAL GREY book is coming out tomorrow!!!! USA time of course.

And I'm going to get the book. $9.90 from amazon. I DON'T CARE.

And SUITS is coming back on the 24th.
Blardy cliffhangers man.
Each season less than 10 episodes. And only 1 epi each week.
Then we have to wait a couple of months for the next season.

C'mon SUITS producers!

*I've added link to both grey and suits for easy access in case anyone needs it.
